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Should I sell or rent my Youngstown, OH property?
Did you know that the property that you’re currently holding onto can actually be a lucrative source of income? All you have to do is just figure out which approach can generate the most money.
5 tips to remember when you’re moving out of Youngstown, OH
Change can be scary. So if you’re uprooting your life in Youngstown, OH to settle somewhere new, you’re bound to get the jitters.
Should I sell my Boardman, OH home to a cash home buyer?
In today’s real estate market, you can find two kinds of buyers. You have your traditional buyers who are financed by mortgage loans.
Everything You Need to Know About Downsizing in Boardman, Ohio
It’s easy to think of downsizing as a simple and easy move. You go from a big house to a smaller house—end of story. However, the process is a lot more complicated than that.
How to Build a Strong Real Estate Portfolio
Are you ready to start investing in real estate and wondering how to build a real estate portfolio? Adding real estate to your investment portfolio may significantly grow your net worth. In this post, we go through the essential procedures for developing a strong real...
Real Estate Generation 101
What are the best real estate lead generation options today? Where and how can real estate agents, investors and other related industry professionals generate more leads for buying, selling and renting properties? What are some of the little known benefits, and...
How To Find A Buyer For Your Rehab Property Fast
In the world of real estate time is money. With every rehab property you work on it is essential that you find a buyer as quickly as possible. The interest payments, insurance and taxes don’t stop until your property gets sold. The first 24 hours of any new listings...
Is Hiring An Agent Really Worth It
For many people, when they think about selling their houses, the first thing they will do is look around for a local agent. Agents can be a wonderful asset when selling your house, however, it is not the only strategy you should consider. By doing a little homework,...
5 Hidden Home Buying Expenses
There is a lot that goes into buying a home. This is the case whether you plan on living in the property or using it as an investment. What most veteran homebuyers know is that the list price is not the amount you end up spending. Between property taxes, insurance and...